Wednesday 21 January 2015

Ravo (semolina pudding)

  1. Semolina (rava) 50 gms
  2. Milk 1 lit
  3. Sugar 50 gms
  4. Butter 45 gms
  5. Vanilla essence few drops
  6. Sultanas (raisins) 10 gms
  7. Slivered almonds 10 gms
  8. Extra butter 1tbs
  1. In a deep pan, melt the butter and add the semolina and cook until the grains are slightly swollen, but do not allow to burn
  2. Gradually add the milk and sugar and cook stirring constantly until the mixture coats the back of the wooden spoon. It will thicken further as it cools.
  3. Take off heat and allow it to cool slightly before adding vanilla essence.
  4.  Pour into a serving dish
  5. Cover the top of the rava with a layer of cling film to prevent a skin from forming as it cools.
  6. Leave to cool
  7. In a small pan, heat the extra butter and when melted sauté the slivered almonds until golden and the sultanas until plump. Remove from pan and leave to cool
  8. Serve it eatably hot
  9. Garnish the served ravo with a sprinkling of the almonds and sultanas (raisins)

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